Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna

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Biking South Baltic – Initial conference

baltic sea initial

The inauguration conference of the project titled „Biking South Baltic! Promotion and development of the Baltic Sea Cycle Route (Route No. 10) in Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden „, co-financed by the Interreg South Baltic Programme took place in Gdańsk on the 28th of February.

The project lead by the Pomorskie Tourist Board is being implemented since January of this year and its official inauguration took place in Gdańsk, the city which is the headquarters of the project’s lead partner. Apart from presenting the main assumptions of the project, the conference programme focused primarily on the transfer of knowledge and exchange of experience related to the creation, operation and commercialization of bicycle routes, not only those included in EuroVelo10. Taking advantage of the presence of international experts – practitioners, the substantive and interesting programme was addressed to everyone involved in the construction, operation, management and promotion of bicycle routes, as well as tourist companies interested in providing services for clients focused on active leisure.

The conference was the last element in the programme of the first meeting of project partners. During the proceedings, which lasted for two days, the project partners had the opportunity to set a schedule of work, create working groups and determine the principles of cooperation in the project.


Presentations available for downloading:

Biking South Baltic! Promotion and development of the international cycle route (Eurovelo No. 10). Łukasz Magrian, Pomorskie Tourist Board

EuroVelo the European cycle route network – economic, social, environmental, cultural and health benefits. Ed Lancaster/Jesus Freire, European Cyclists’ Federation

Managing cycle tourism, cooperation of private businesses and public institutions – the Danish model. Jesper Pørksen, Dansk Cykelturisme

Surveys in cycle tourism – how to collect and analyze the data. Carl Marcussen, Centre for Regional and Tourism Research

Managing and promoting cycle tourism products. Jacek Zdrojewski, TREK.

Poland vs. Europe – selected cycle routs. Szymon Nitka, www.znajkraj.pl

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Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna © 2018
Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna