On 10-12 June, representatives of Pomorskie Tourist Board participated in the City Fair inbound tourism workshop, organised in London. This recurring event gathers tour operators from all around the world, together with tourist regions that present the potential of their offers. This year was an opportunity to showcase the offer of cycling tourism along the EV10 cycling route from Copenhagen to Gdansk. In co-operation with local tourism industry, dedicated offers were presented to select companies. The character of the meeting allowed for an initial presentation of the potential of cycling tourism, and at the same time point towards product operators that organise stays for their guests in particular areas.
The EV10 offer was received with great enthusiasm. It is an interesting supplementation of current packages offered by foreign tour operators from the Baltic Sea basin. It is our hope that this activity, as well as other activities planned for this project, will enable us to reach out to a wide range of companies that organise trips for tourists from all around the world, which allows for an increase in tourist movement in particular areas.